Adopted pen name: Svalbard Sleeper District
Birthplace: Planet Reisse, Rhetor System
Birthdate: 1 April 2915
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 176 cm (5 ft 7 in)
Weight: 80 kg (176 lbs)
Hair colour: Chestnut
Eye colour: Green
Spectrum relay network handle: SvalbardSleeperDct

The individual known through the adopted pen name Svalbard Sleeper District was born in 2915 to a family that would have been called middle-class if the permanent crisis of the UEE's corporate economics had not rendered the term irrelevant. While studying journalism at the Faculty of Social Sciences of his university on Reisse, he involved himself in student activism, taking part in protests against profit interests in academia and sharing pamphlets and classic works on political theory among fellow students.Following his graduation, Svalbard ended up reporting on workers and their conditions in Stanton system, a symbol of corporate exploitation in the UEE, and was introduced to two of the most prominent revolutionary groups operating there. He accompanied them to experience the life of a guerrilla in the den of the four megacorp beasts running the system. This taught him valuable lessons on both the necessity of the struggle and how organisations should - and sometimes should not - be run.Several years later he crossed paths with Ghosts of Aberdeen, a group of descendants and supporters of original communities who were forced into exile from the moon during its corporate takeover by Hurston Dynamics. After sharing moments of common action for justice against the behemoth company, he formally joined the guerrilla organisation in mid-2954.While being trained by the group in hardware operation, Svalbard also continues to write about politics and class in the Empire, private organisations operating against the interests of workers and the public, and groups championing the causes of labour and direct democracy on his personal blog Red Hammer Manifesto.In his free time, he likes to practise hobbies including drawing urban and natural landscapes, socialising in the Free and Open-Source Software community, trainspotting, reading nonfiction literature and collecting records of music artists.

Background image by Brian Yam